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John combines his professional skills as a qualified chartered physiotherapist in the prevention and treatment of injuries and his qualification in nutritional science with a personal understanding and interest in the demands and dynamics of cycling.
Using these attributes, John is in a position to offer a cycling specific musculoskeletal assessment, physiotherapy treatment, appropriate rehabilitation exercises, sports nutritional advice for cyclists and the bike fit itself.
Technology is utilised in his bike fit service through the use of GebioMized saddle and foot pressure mapping and high-quality camera with bike fit software. Leomo motion sensor technology is used in the fully comprehensive bike fit option.
John stocks the full range of GebioMized saddles and footbeds.
John also offers a coaching service utilising the portable PNOE metabolic gas analysis unit for VO2max testing. Lactate profiling also provided. Coaching includes nutritional advice aided by identifying important metrics via gas analysis (resting metabolic rate etc. )
He has performed over 1300 bike fits since starting the service in 2016, with 127 five star reviews on google, presented on the topic of cycling injuries and the science of cycling on numerous occasions and holds workshops on bike maintenance and adventure racing.
Other services include Bike sizing before buying using the Cyclefit database,
Lake shoe fitting and a foot activation service off the back of Tony Torke's course on this topic.
The website dedicated to bike fitting is www.thebikefitphysio.com. There's also a running gait analysis service using Leomo technology available which compliments the running injury rehab clinic and physio-led bike fitting.
The clinic is called the Life Fit Studio and it is located in Ballygarvan, Co. Cork.