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Primary Contact Details:
Fitter Name:
Chris Richardson
United States
Chris owned Bike Doctor Waldorf from 1995 until 2020. Chris turned his passion as a retailer for wanting every customer to find the perfect bike for them into a passion for fitting. Chris strives to always be learning and educating himself about fit philosophies and principles.
Chris brings over thirty years of experience in the cycling industry to the studio. Through the years, he has fit thousands of people, averaging 600 fits a year, fitting elite level athletes and cycling enthusiasts alike.
His fit education and credentials include:
- International Bike Fitting Institute (IBFI) Level 4
- Fit Kit Level 1, 2, 3, & Advanced Certification
- Trek Precision Fit school 1 & 2 with pressure mapping w/ Paric McGlynn
- GURU DFU Certified
- FIST w/ Dan Empfield
- Foot Balanced Certified
- Michael Sylvester Fit School (Trek)
- Seven Custom Bike School w/ Neil Doshi
- Waterford Fit Master w/ Richard Schwinn
- Mat Steinmetz Aero Bike Fit Trained
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