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Sasquatch Bike Fitting was founded by Mark Gibson. Mark has been a competitive athlete since college, where he competed as a Division I rower (crew) at Clemson University. Following college, Mark's competitive journey led him to triathlons. This was his first introduction to competitive cycling, which quickly became his passion. When his kids were young, he spent much of his time in Spin Classes, but as soon as life allowed, he got outside again and fell in love with mountain biking and road cycling. In 2019, Mark became a mountain bike coach for the Sope Creek Composite Mountain Bike Team and currently serves as the team's president.
After suffering injuries and pain while riding, Mark had a bike fit performed and quickly realized the value of a professional bike fitting. He learned that his bike set up was not only causing pain and leading to injury, it was limiting his performance. Following this inspiration and personal experience, Mark completed Bike Fitness Coaching's Bike Fit training program under master fitter Rick Schultz. This program is certified by the International Bike Fitting Institute (IBFI).
Mark looks forward to working with riders of any age or experience level. Let him help you get the most out of your rides.
So why "Sasquatch," you ask?
The legend of Sasquatch, Big Foot, Yeti, or any other variation of a large, hairy, mysterious mountain creature is a fun mystery and folklore embraced by Mark and his family. Sasquatch embodies a resilient, independent spirit and reminds us that there are things in the world that we can't explain. Real or not (we may never know!), Sasquatch represents outdoor enthusiasts everywhere by reminding us not to take life too seriously.