Primary Contact Details:
About English language web page is following URL;
URL: https://bikefitting.jp/en/
Makito Fushimi is the most experienced bike fitter in Japan and level4 certified by IBFI.
His bike fitting studio(Sun Merit Bike Fitting Studio) is located in Yokohama, Kanagawa in Japan. It is located about 40km west of Tokyo。
Makito speaks fluent English to English speakers. He used to live in Canada as an exchange student, he can speak English at a perfectly acceptable level of service. Therefore, not only cyclists/Triathlietes from all over Japan, but also foreigners living in Japan use my service for bike fitting. From hobby cyclists to Tour de France competitors(pro cyclists), Olympic medalists, and even more Keirin racers.
Although a cyclist by background, Makito has experienced much education in bike fitting both overseas and in Japan and is one of the leading bike fitters in Japan. He also participated in conferences held overseas. Recently, he attended a conference in Florence, Italy.
He was a core member of Retul until 2014. and also is an instructor for BIKEFIT.com and still conducts bike fitting seminars for bike stores and medical professionals in Japan.
For additional backgrond information, please check the URL above.