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Primary Contact Details:

Fitter Name:

Rick Schultz




United States


Rick, our master fitter, has an extensive engineering, computer programming, and project management background. He is certified by the International Bike Fitting Institute (IBFI) as a level 4 fitter. Rick has also authored much of the IBFI courseware, and has thousands of successful bike fits. Rick specializes in knee pain mitigation and enjoys teaching his bike fitting classes.

Rick is also a certified cycling coach with Hunter Allen’s Peaks Coaching Group and has certifications in power-based training. Rick's bike fitting beliefs are to (a) place the body into its natural 'relaxed' state on the bicycle where the cyclist has the most stability and thereby the strongest, and (b) determine correct component lengths to mitigate pain and joint damage.


Sue, our newest partner in bike fitting, is a  Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience and played a leading role in establishing the Online Biomedical Neuroscience Certificate and MSc Programs at the University of Florida.

In addition to her career in Neuroscience, Sue is an avid cyclist and exercise enthusiast. She has run over 1020 online Zoom exercise classes integrating core, strength, and aerobics into a fast-paced HIIT format. In addition to her passion for exercise, she is applying her vast experience to developing and delivering the highest quality online bike fitting courses.

Bike Fitness Coaching
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